I don't know that I feel ho-hum about the tragedy, I just can't seem to generate any emotion at all. Its just too far away and abstract. I recognise that it is a terrible event that killed thousands of innocent people but I didn't know any of them. My life continues as before so its hard to truly feel anything. When I'm driving down the highway on the way to work and come across an accident scene I don't look. The accident didn't involve me so I have no interest in it (as long as help has arrived). I just want to continue on my way. The tsunami event is similar, I recognize it as a tragedy but honestly I don't lose sleep over it. I have to worry about my wife making it home alive every day. I have to worry about my grandmother with Alzheimers and how we can make her life as well as can be. I have my friends, family, job, and all the other things that make up my world to worry about and try to keep straight. It behooves me as a citizen of this planet to recognize tragedy when I see it and if possible help but I can't let tragedies outside my own sphere play too hard on my emotions. Life is long and each of us will have many tragic events to weather before we are done. While I sympathize, I'll save my tears for that which I cannot escape.