Originally Posted by Mr Mephisto
To put things into perspective, and to ignore the sarcasm...
1) The US didn't ask for international aid
2) 13 people died in hurrican Charlie. THIRTEEN
3) Over 150,000 people appear to have died with the tsunami
4) Whole swathes of the planet have been affected
5) Hurrican Charlie affected 20 counties (that were eligible for Federal aid)
6) The death toll from the tsunami could possibly double, due to disase and lack of water/food
To compare hurricane Charlie with the tsunami is the height of stupidity.
That's like me comparing a grazed knee with a beheading.
Mr Mephisto
I agree that the comparison is the height of stupidity. But you made the comparison, not me. Not that it makes a difference, but I never compared hurricane Charley with the tsunami. Nor did I compare hurricanes Jeanne, Frances, Ivan, etc. with the tsunami. Also, just for the record, there were over 70 deaths caused by the one-after-other series of hurricanes, which also caused over $40 billion in damage and left 42,000 homeless. Obviously, the numbers of these disasters pale when compared to the emormity of the tsunami. You missed my point, or perhaps I didn't make it clear enough.
My point was not a comparison of the disasters, but rather to point out the hypocrisy of those who are so quick to complain in the international community. Maybe we didnt ask for aid, but noone really offered either did they? That's the typical altruistic international community for ya!