I am a half Chinese/half Caucasion male (Who happens to be born/raised in Oregon). I have only dated caucasion females. I am typically not attracted to female asian facial bone structures (don't get me wrong, some of them are hot, I'm just speaking in general terms) and I'm definately not attracted to the (at least in part of Portland) attitudes of the majority of the asian females in the area. I do hang out with asian men, one of my best friends is full Chinese. We've gotten pretty used to what we call the "Asian Princesses" syndrome. 90% (collected by the out-of-my-ass method) of the asian women I've met that are in my age group (early-mid 20's) think they are God's gift to men because they are asian. My sister certainly thinks so. She also tends to not date 'asian' guys, well, not what people typically think of as asian anyways. She doesn't date white guys either. She is very much into dating middle eastern/western asian men.