There's been an awful lot of hair-splitting over whether this is legal or not, whether the Constitution applies to non-citizens or not, whether these "enemy combatants" forfeited their rights (WTF?!!) or not, whether the CIA has freedom of action in the US or not and so on.
But there has not been much debate on whether this action is morally appropriate.
Hitler came to power via legal constitutional means. Hiding behind the law is no automatic defence that the actions are right and/or righteous.
What we have here is an abandonment of the values for which the United States used to stand. America has always been (until recently) a beacon for freedom, the rule of law, for "what is right" (rather than nitpickingly "legal") and has stood as a shining example of what a country can achieve when it embraces democracy and freedom.
Now, we have the same US simply bending, or breaking, these rules, these "shining examples" just because they don't suit the current Administration's policies.
You may argue it's legal (though many will argue otherwise.
I, however, will simply argue that it's wrong.
Slavey was legal once. Who here is going to defend that?
Mr Mephisto