Originally Posted by Mojo_PeiPei
I'm not afraid to put them on trial, all I'm saying is the system allows for the status quo. I know that all of these men will go before a judge to have there status decided, from there it is in Allah's hand.
This is a time of war, and there is an enemy out there. I would rather error on the side of caution when it comes to guys who just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time... where Al qaeda and Taliban suspects just happen to be.
Could anyone answer this one for me, have these guys been before Tribunals?
On what basis do you assert that "this is a time of war"? Does a one day event that occurred in three specific domestic locales, 39 months ago,
apparently carried out by 19 now deceased individuals (although the Bushco
government has never confirmed the identities of the supposed perpetrators
to the american people.....see <a href="http://www.tfproject.org/tfp/showpost.php?p=1495701&postcount=21">http://www.tfproject.org/tfp/showpost.php?p=1495701&postcount=21</a> ) with no assertion by the Bushco of any discernible, continued hostilities directed at the U.S. or it's interests, except in an unrelated incursion in Iraq?
My observation is that all we have seen from Bushco is "error" on the side of
deceit and incompetence. Here is just one quote referenced in the link above:
04-19-02 FBI Director Mueller said, "The hijackers also left no paper trail. In our investigation, we have not uncovered a single piece of paper either here in the U.S. or in the treasure trove of information that has turned up in Afghanistan and elsewhere that mentioned any aspect of the September 11th plot" <a href="http://www.fbi.gov/pressrel/speeches/speech041902.htm">http://www.fbi.gov/pressrel/speeches/speech041902.htm</a>
Your trust in Bushco is misplaced. Read the quote above and the quotes in
my post linked earlier and rebut my referenced points with some that result
from your own research.
My research provides a persuasive argument for those who rely on facts to
form opinion about matters as important as identifying real imminent threats
to our "freedom" and to our constitutional government. Through their own
words and actions, the Bushco represent a threat much greater in magnitude
to the bill of rights and to the constitution than do any of the declarations
of war or the "terrorist triggered", pathetic distractions bleated out at us in the form of color coded warnings by the Dept. of Homeland Security. All of
Bush's actions and rhetoric are designed to lull and distract us from resisting
the actual Bushco goals of solidifying power and wealth for themselves.
If you don't believe me, just listen to Ashcroft......war's over !!!!
The objective of securing the safety of Americans from crime and terror has been achieved, <a href="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6446454/">http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6446454/</a>