Thanks for the positive feedback! Here's two more:
Shades (Spenserian Sonnet)
v. intr.
To pass from one quality, color, or thing to another by very slight changes or degrees.
I used to call you brother
A tangled offering at your feet
But one thing leads to another
In a shadowy town on a shadowy street
Where even angels must entreat
Our wax wings carried fire on high
Conjoining stars erupt defeated
And drop like comets from the sky
The hour is late and I deny
We’re growing soft in death’s embrace
Appreciations’s dying eye
A bitter orb for your embrace
Addicted to what you refuse to see
You’re assuming my identity
Dreams of Butterfingers
Marionette in my head
A thick porterhouse steak
Pulls up a seat next to me
How ya doin?
I reach through
With my fork
Creamy sky
Frames the inevitable
Broiled sunset
I swing from red vines
And cannonball into a sea of orange juice
I take a bite from the strawberry alarm clock
I’ll be late
And then
In the company of seaweed
And driftwood
And bibles
I bite my hand
The thick swirling dark
Swallowed me whole
I’m just talking
To myself
Yeah baby
Sweet Jesus, yes!
The pizza is here!
And ice cold beer
Tear open some bear claws
Oh, eat them wrapper and all!
With a foot long sandwich…
Those Butterfingers I was dreaming about
They taste just like their name