Teens don't have the "blind respect" that the earlier generation had. You need to earn it. I don't know what would work well, you're the manager but kids arn't going to come and work their asses off for nothing anymore. You need to work harder to find a worker. I don't want to start another flame war (Which some of this has been... fuck) but teenagers are not going to hop right into the driver seat when it comes to their future. Its a lack of respect for themselves and others and its the fucking truth.
But on the other hand you obviously don't respect the teens you hire. I don't care if you are pissed off about the teens in this situation... you are obviously hiring with the idea that all men between 12 and 20 are obsessed with humping the atractive woman who walks through the door and the women are talking about how the guy just blew his load when he saw her. FUCK, you have to work at it. This isn't an attack on you... but teenagers have changed so you have to change your approach.
It's a lack of respect on both sides and we know that either a teen isn't smart enough or a smart ass who thinks s/he's too smart for everything (i was one of those)... so be the bigger person and change. It's the only solution I can find because you are butting heads with a whole generation of kids... and kids are strong willed and smart when you get them interested. I bet they would be intrested in being a dick to their dick manager. It isn't about saying hi to Johnny and making him feel like he is part of the team...
Instead of firing the lame try seeing if they you can teach them. And if you fail at first don't get the pink slip... work hard on these kids man because they are dealing with parents who are putting them on zoloft and fucking riddilin, teachers who are pushing them through their classes and managers who WON'T GIVE THEM THE CHANCE THEY NEED. Teach the fucking teachable and cut the losers lose because they deserve to be. But don't give up so easily.
Petite Moi - I'm sure you are a very hard worker and I'm not applying this to ALL teens, just the ones who fall into the catagory of a fucking waste of money
EX: Whats new?
ME: I officially love coffee more then you now.
EX: uh...
ME: So, not much.