Good graduate schools?
I'm graduating from Purdue this semester and have started thinking about graduate school. I know this is a little late to start thinking about it but I really had just planned to go to work after school. I am in the aviation technology program and am being trained to be a pilot. During one of my classes last semester I came to the realization that there is almost no creativity involved or upward movement possible in a career as an airline pilot.
My question to everyone is this: do you know of a school in a city with a good graduate degree (masters) program that has a focus on aviation. My preference is Information Technology in aviation or human factors design in aviation. Please don't say Embry-Riddle (no offense, but it's too small), UND (too cold), or San Jose State (sort of failing aviation program right now). I don't know if it's possible to "make your own" masters program. If anyone has been in this position before, I would appreciate finding out what you have done.
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