The Three Girlfriends
A man has three girlfriends and can't decide which one to marry, so he gives each of them $500 to see how they'll spend it. The first girl has a complete makeover - new hairstyle, facial, manicure, new dress, the whole nine yards. "It's to please you," she explains, "because I love you so much."
The second girl buys the man a new set of golf clubs. "It's to please you," she explains, "because I love you so much."
The third girl invests the money in the stock market, doubles it, reinvests it again, doubles it and hands the man $2000 in fresh $50 bills. "It's to please you," she explains, "because I love you so much."
The man thinks hard about how each girlfriend has managed the cash - and then he marries the one with the biggest breasts.