How to cope with losing friends?
They say friends come and go. It's part of the ebb and flow of life. As I'm getting older(I'm 25 now) I find myself dealing with losing a lot of friends. People who you thought you would be life long friends with just stop talking to you out of the blue. They no longer make an effort to hang out or keep in touch nor appreciate your efforts to hang out and keep in touch. It's been rough for me not to mention a saddening experience. How does one cope with this? Sure you can say fuck them but the thought of your friendship lingers in the back of your mind for while. What I fear most is when I'm old and have no friends to converse or share experiences with.
I've also thought maybe it's me. Sometimes I feel like I'm not the ideal person to be friends with anymore. Maybe i try too hard to be the loyal and dependable friend? I don't know. It just doesn't make an sense sometime. What do you guys think?
Never date anyone who doesn't make your dick hard.