And what if she's adamant that she doesn't want to report this? What if she's not in denial, what if she wasn't assaulted at a young age and doesn't have deep-seated self-loathing caused by previous experience? What if she simply doesn't want this to go any further? Isn't that ok?
By all means talk to her about it and tell her that you think she should report it, but if she doesn't want to then she doesn't want to. I'm siding with Suave on this one - it doesn't sound to me like she's too bothered by this at all. If she doesn't want to report this then she doesn't have to. I know that's the same as saying that this guy will get off scott-free, but it really is her decision and if she can shrug it off and be content with calling the guy a bastard then let her.
You're more upset about all this than she is but don't start beating the guy up, that'll land you in jail quicker than you think, especially if you do it in public. Break off contact with this guy, I'm sure she'll do the same, and dismiss him as the asshole he is, but in the end if she really isn't so upset about this then there's nothing anyone can do. If you've got this urge to protect her or assert your strength by beating the guy up then do all you can to put that energy to good use, by being a better friend to her, or through any other way than attacking this guy.