Thread: Sexual Assult
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Old 01-01-2005, 10:50 PM   #10 (permalink)
Warrior Smith
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Location: missouri
normaly, I proport vengence as a good idea as long as you there is a legit grievance that is'nt going to be fixed any other way- problem here is 1- the girl wont stand up for herself- its not that she cant, she wont, and therefore you are intruding on her buisiness- it would be different if the guy did this to her a lot, or if he was an abusive boyfriend who would eventualy get around to killing her- 2- the only way to do this is for either him to know who is beating him and why , or for him to have no idea - If he knows that it is you, and why you are beating him, then you go to jail- and while he may hesitate to do this again, he may not, and you ultimately loose- if he does not know it is you and why you are getting medieval on his shit, then he will have no reason not to rape some poor girl in the future- this guy is obviously the date raping kind, and it seems that your efforts would be better served getting the girl to have his ass thrown in the clink, or perhaps the ever popular poster plastering campaign around town explaining his merits as a date rapist.... but then again, you could get nailed for slander- so I guess the point is that if you feel you have to , clunk the bastard from behind and kneecap him, otherwise prepare to go to jail.....
Thought the harder, Heart the bolder,
Mood the more as our might lessens
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