We feel we should respond to the SCALE of this terrible event, but i've just googled for world population info and quickly confirmed that worldwide 155,131 deaths occur every day. Each of those deaths can be regarded as a tragedy. My detachment through not being associated with anyone involved in the Tsunami disaster (to my knowledge) means that I feel that each of the individuals who are involved has experienced a tragedy no greater or lesser than that experienced by the loved ones of all the 155,131 souls lost on a daily basis.
Similarly, the loss of shelter and stability is not an uncommon event the world over.
As regards what we're obliged to do, who can say? Personally, I acknowledge the horrifying weight of this situation, but realistically I'm not capable of burdening myself with much more than that.
1. One's name as written by oneself.
2. The act of signing one's name.
3. A distinctive mark, characteristic, or sound indicating identity.