There is a lot of suffering and injustice in our world. We grow older, and become numb to the unfairness of the world, if only to protect ourselves from the possibility that it may happen to ourselves one day.
The people in south-east asia have lost everything. Lives of their family members, their homes, their jobs. The means they once had to survive in their land has been washed away. Rotting bodies are poisoning their water and there is a high chance there will be an epidemic of cholera or similar that will kill many who managed to escape the tsunami.
What if your home, your town, was completely destroyed? Your family dead, and there is no food to be found? The water you have to drink to survive is brown and certain to contain two or three diseases sure to make you very sick, and perhaps cripple you for life? Your neighbor bob, crying while pulling apart the rubble of his house, knowing his wife, kids, and sister are under there but doing so because he is hoping the the giant wave hadn't pulled them out to sea, never to be seen again? Can you imagine this scene happening to 5+ countries, to more than 5 million people? That's the estimate of how many have lost their homes.
Please guys, it may have happened far away, and was a natural occurance, but this is a disaster of gigantic proportions, and they are asking for our help. Even a small donation to the red cross could change someone's life in south-east asia. It could mean the difference from drinking fresh water instead of disease-ridden pond scum.
"Asking a bomb squad if an old bomb is still "real" is not the best thing to do if you want to save it." - denim