The Aviator - opinions anyone?
I went out to see the Aviator with my friend billege tonight after work. I saw a few previews for it and thought it looked pretty interesting. Keep in mind that I had no idea who Howard Hughes was other than the brief blurb in the previews.
What did everyone think of this movie? I was pretty impressed with the cinematography. I was questioning whether I was watching a 21st century movie or if it was done up to look completely old fashioned. Plenty of the closeups on Leonardo DiCaprio made it seem like I was watching an old film from several decades ago. With the lighting and makeup and all.
All in all it was a great movie. There was plenty of "wtf" moments only because I was walking into the movie with virtually no knowledge of what to expect from it. It did get a little slow somewhere around the middle but it wasn't for very long and I'd say it had a bit of a weird ending.
I'd say overall, 9 out of 10. Anyone else?