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Old 01-01-2005, 01:13 PM   #54 (permalink)
Originally Posted by smooth
If the aid agency is a legitimate organization, it will detail its overhead costs. I haven't heard of any legitimate organization operating under a 90% overhead cost.
In spite of your failure to specify whether you consider Rotary to be an illegitimate organization, or whether you contend that it does not maintain an overhead less than 90%, I'll respond. I won't even quote your comment about checking facts.

Their work is funded to a great extent by member donations. Admittedly, fundraisers such as golf/bowling tournaments and pancake breakfasts incur an overhead that must be paid.

However, when I simply write a check, 100% of it goes to whom I intend.

Edit: I misspoke. If I appy for a grant for a charitable project, and it is approved, Rotary International will multiply my donation by a factor of 16.

Yes, I mean $1,000 -----------> $16,000

For more information:


[The Rotary Foundation] is a not-for-profit corporation that supports the efforts of Rotary International to achieve world understanding and peace through international humanitarian, educational, and cultural exchange programs. It is supported solely by voluntary contributions from Rotarians and friends of the Foundation who share its vision of a better world.

Its expenses are born solely by the interest earned on its contributions over a three year period.

As an endowment fund for Rotary "to do good in the world," its initial contribution was US$26.50 in 1918. When it became The Rotary Foundation in 1928, it had a value of US$5,739.07. In the most recent year that we have complete figures, the Foundation had more than US $73 million contributed in 2000-01.
Rotarians have distributed Polio vaccine all over the world, by boat, camel, and dogsled, among other means. There's not enough space on this website to detail all of their humanitarian projects.

This economically sound system is why I support voluntary charitable contributions (already underway by RI for tsunami victims) as opposed to government extortion.

All of your "moderated" posts send the message to me that you disagree with my philosophy. At least, as long as the government takes everyone ELSE's money, and leaves yours alone. I find this hypocritical.

Originally Posted by smooth
What is the point, sob, of posting that last photograph and circling that man? I think your post is inflammatory and I reported it as such.
Figures. The point is that the US continues to donate money for aid, even to people who hate us. We are by far the most generous nation in the history of the world, and we still (back to the point of the thread) get dumped on, particularly by the UN.

To my knowledge, a thread originated in the last two days is the only positive thing Mr Mephisto has ever said about the US. I can't recall ANYTHING positive you, Stompy, or several others have ever posted about the country that's subsidizing your education.

By the way, in spite of your accusation in another thread, I have never reported you to a moderator. It must have been another of your fans.

Originally Posted by smooth
EDIT: I forgot to post this graphic indicating the paltry sums private citizens are donating (as well as some nations') to foreign aid per capita
And your point is...?

Last edited by sob; 01-01-2005 at 01:20 PM..
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