It had to do with the claim that the Confederate flag only stood for "state's rights." If it did, state's rights advocates across the nation would use it; they don't, however, it's only flown in the regions that owned and fought over the state's "right" to own slaves.
Really? Cause I've seen it flown from Minnesota to Boston to even, yes, California. And the majority of those I talked to were not racist.
That flag that to you says slavery says to us states rights. You can NOT tell us what it means to us. You can NOT tell those that fly the flag WHY they fly it. You can only say what it means to YOU.
I dont believe in slavery, I'm in no way shape or form racist. I do, however support those that fly the flag as a symbol of their heritage or of, yes, states rights. What that flag may mean to you personally I dont care, it's your right to interpret that how you wish. Claiming those that fly it are either racist or traitors is however over the line.