okay this is alot of response but i will try my best. i'm not sure how to quote properly. i hope this works.
there is alot of "if this happens it's probably this" or " this might happen in this circumstance" but there is nothing solid
Is quantum physics a science?
you're right in a sense here. quantum physics is a "maybe" thoery that tests well. the difference is in the theory.if quantum physics is correct it will predict the behaviour in all situations regardless. ex. if an electron behaves in this manner all electrons will act like this in this circumstance without deviaton.It will predict the excat behaviour of all electrons. PsycHology
can illistrate something like taste aversion but the theories on it dont predict difference in reactions to this experiment on an individual level, like the resistance to conditioning or the amount of time before it wears off ect. it doesnt account for individual differences. it just shows that it can happen, it doesnt fully explain the event.
Let me ask you this -- Have you ever taken a psych class?
I have. i think i may have just had worse prof's than you because my opinion of psyc droped after these classes. i didnt delve to far into it though. It was the stuff like Jung and Piaget that drove me away.
If my car starts smoking, I know something bad is about to happen. Do I know how a car works? Something to do with internal combustion... You can learn from experience and make new decisions based on that
you can learn from that expreimce but if you dont know how it works how you can you explain what happened,why it happened, predict its occurence, or prevent it from happening again? A car somking does not mean anything in itself, some people cook with their cars.
In general, I believe it's a science. For example, an emotionally disturbed person will benefit from seeing a therapist
im not doubting the usefullness of psychology, i think it is neccessary part of society and very helpful to alot of people and helpful to understanding human behaviour. As for therapy there is a HUGE discrepancy between therapists and their methods, alot of it depends on the opinion of the therapist. it is helpful but its not a very scientific process.