I majored in Math and minored in Finance - and have forgotten everything I learned.
When I graduated from college I had two objectives... vastly different, law school (Patent law was what I wanted to get into) or Engineering School (I wanted to work for Nasa in some capacity, so aeronautical engineering was what I wanted to pursue) -- I didn't get into my top three choices for law schools, so I opted for engineering school (where i discovered I was really really stupid)
With a math major, you can do almost anything --for a lot of stuff - graduate school helps-- teaching (while the pay isn't great) is incredibly rewarding - and math teachers I understand are desperately needed. (ever have a teacher who actually got excited about math? - those teachers are unforgettable - Mr F was the reason why I wanted to major in math - -he made Stat Analysis fun.
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.