today my only love song
My Beautiful Day
This ugly alarm clock scares me awake
While it's still dark, dreams that linger
Slowly retreat, close my eyes again, take
A long sad breath, and roll out of bed...
26 today
I limp over the broken coat hangers
Pull on some Hebrew language shirt
I hated my father so much, many years
But the irony I dress in doesnt hurt
of car
chases and
dead girls
Beautiful day, beautiful day, we spent it
Together, or some of it at least, you looked
Put out when I shrugged my shoulders, is it
My fault that you dont like any of the music
on the radio
love song
John Peel
grave song
Flowers for the dead, for the living, Mcdonald's
Breakfast. Jesus, mayo on my tie, silly smile
Silly laugh, your hand my thigh, a moment
Catch it, talk about something else for a while
It passes
Self despriciating
Nod, silly
laugh, silly
kiss, dead
relatives and dry eyes
Pick me up about four, ok, ok. see you later
See you later. Wave a little, then shrug
Turn away and slump inside the world doesnt stop
Compare my left side to your right side, guess it measures up.
Pony tail
Tiger teeth
I'm not
A qualified accountant
Heavy drink, hurts my arm, kiss me right here
In the joint between my forearm and my elbow
Music too loud, make smy heart hollow, the fear
Creeps in and out, I dont like it so much here
The two of us, this strange symetry
your girl girl laugh, some epiphany
Jesus man, stare at my hands, the palms
Are full of lines, some ****ing epiphany.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas