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Old 12-31-2004, 06:21 AM   #215 (permalink)

How about top 5 instrumentals by bands with vocalists.

My five, not an all-time list by any means, just off the top of my head, and of the moment.

1) Dream Theater - Erotomania
2) Dream Theater - Moonbubbles (rare live-only track)
3) Metallica - To Live is to Die
4) Lemur Voice - Akasha Chronicles
5) Racer X - Catapult to Extinction

I've always thought Dream Theater are stronger instrumentally than they are with song-writing, at least in their later stuff. Their earlier songwriting stuff was far stronger, especially on Awake. Definitely my favourite of their albums. I have my suspicions that Kevin Moore could be something to do with the stronger songwriting.

Moonbubbles is more of a jam than an instrumental, with Petrucci soloing; I've always had a soft spot for the phrasing in that track.

And to keep it moving, top 5 guitar solos (that is guitar solo sections, as opposed to guitar instrumental songs).

Once again, off the top of my head, of the moment.

1) Brett Garsed's solo in Garsed & Helmerich's Loch Rannoch
2) John Petrucci's second solo in Dream Theater's Lie
3) Christophe Flandres' solo in his rather obscure instructional CD-ROM
4) Mattias IA Eklundh's solo in his own Our Man in Beijing
5) Paul Gilbert's solo in Racer X's Poison Eyes

I've purposely left Steve Vai out otherwise I fear he'd dominate the entire list.

If anyone can tell me more about this Christophe Flandres guy (I don't even know if I spelled the name right), I'd appreciate it. I got the CD-ROM about 10 years ago when I first started playing. Didn't really learn much from it, but that solo was fantastic.

There's so many I've momentarily forgotten here it's not even funny. I could do a top 1000 of these.

edit: I can't believe I forgot Jeff Kollman's solo in his own A Thousand Faces. It's been one of my all time faves for years. It has about 4 sections and is as hard to play as it is pleasurable to listen to. A true tour de force.
Now watch this drive.

Last edited by elydian; 12-31-2004 at 06:54 AM..
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