These debates over the meaning of that flag are bizarre to me.
It only meant states rights? And those arguments over states rights weren't brought to a head by the issue of slavery?
hmm, I have never seen such a flag flown in Oregon and almost everyone I met there is concerned with states rights. I have yet to see any thing like it in California in over 20 years and we are embattled with the federal government on many major points.
In fact, thepeople on the West coast differ on major policy points to the federal government in regards to marriage laws, euthenasia, drug policy, immigration, education, and a slew of other issues the government has even gone so far as to take overt police action against, yet none of us from canada's border to mexico's border have taken to flying that flag as a statement of states rights.
At the very least, it's a strange coincidence that the only states doing it and figthing for the right to officially fly it are those ex-slave owning states.
Actually, regardless of all that, it's the flag of a group of renegades who fought against our federal government. bizarro.
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