Put the gun down. It's not worth it.
Let's say you do fight this. How long will it take? How much is it worth to you financially? How much is it worth to your justice seeking side? If thses people have the balls to treat you like this, what's to stop them from countering in some way (suing/countersuing, contacting your new office, etc.)?
I'd say, "See you guys later, and have a good life", and bring some people with me. I worked at Sears when I was right out of highschool, and I was in a crappy situation, too. What did I do? I found jobs for myself, and the rest of my entire department. We all gave out 2 weeks at the same time and we explained to the managment (one last time) how people should be treated with respect. All of us are at better jobs no0w and we're still all friends.