Originally Posted by kurty[B]
Ever look into the SCCA, or other racing organizations (ie. Grassroots and so on). It really is not that hard, but getting serious into it can be extremely draining. If you can find even small time sponsors, and then keep your car on the road through some races it is not too hard to work your way up the ranks and gain more sponsorships.
- Getting myself out of debt, and getting two months worth of living in a savings account is another goal of mine.
yes Kurty[b] i have looked into the SCCA that's not the problem, the problem is that you HAVE to go to racing school before getting there and i looked into that also. It costs $3,000 cdn for a 3 hour session $11,000 for a week session not to mension that you must have all of the safety requirements done to your car including the modifications to make your car faster, then comes the manual and the racing outfit. Unfortunately i do not have the money that is recommended for all of this and so i can't compete. However i do race on some weekends doing SOLO racing with some friends of mine that got me into it which is just racing around a parking with cones for best time, each cone you hit = 2 secs to ur time and going off course = 200 secs. So for now that's going to have to do and i'm just hoping for a company to see me drive and hope for them to want to sponsor me, either than that, there's not much i can do for now. Also finding sponsors isn't too easy either because i had a friend who looked for some and he had to commit to go to about 90% of there car shows in order to keep them as a sponsor and i also unfortunately don't have that kind of time due to the fact that i'm working full time and then going to night school on tuesdays and thursday for the 2nd year of my apprenticeship.