I own an Xbox and a Gamecube. Nothing ever made me want a PS2, although recently, I've been dying to play Katamari Damacy.
No system has anything close to the fanbase and playability of xbox live. Nothing is more fun than playing Halo 2 with some friends locally against opponents from all over the world. Same goes for Mechassault 2 and Ghost Recon 2, both amazing games (and mechassault 2 is xbox only^^).
As for gamecube, it has by far the best games in terms of quality. Metroid Prime 1 and 2, Super Smash Brothers Melee, Mario Power Tennis, Pikmin 2, and Paper Mario to name a few. I feel like a child again whenever I turn on my gamecube. I get lost in the universe and experience of the games - something I've never experienced while playing any other console. Also, some of my favorite game franchises are on gamecube: Metroid, Mario, Starfox (soon) and Zelda (by the way, has anyone seen the video for the new Zelda? If that doesn't make you want a gamecube, then you have no soul).
Overall, Xbox is great because of live! and live capable games. Gamecube is great because of game quality. PS2...I guess it's great because of Katamari Damacy. <3
it's all nice on ice alright
and it's not day
and it's not night
but it's all nice on ice alright