Originally Posted by Pellaz
Beyond Good & Evil is similar to the 3-d Zeldas only as much as any other modern adventure game, imo, and it's far, far superior to both MM and WW. It's fair to say, if you wanted to place it in terms of other games, that it's 3 parts zelda, 2 parts metal gear, 1 part pokemon snap, and 1 part mark of the kri. A truly wonderful game, which just also made me think of...
The Longest Journey- Quite possibly the best dramatic point and click adventure ever made, you can still find this one floating around in gameshops, and probably more so in the upcoming year as the sequel gets closer. The character models are very dated at this point (and probably were when it first came out, to be honest), but the eviroments are jaw dropping beautiful. And the story and gameplay are top, top notch.
Thanks Pellaz, that's helpful. BG&E sounds like it has everything I like. I'll have to pick that up.
My friend loved The Longest Journey, especially in an era where adventure games are going to the wayside. He's also been looking at Syberia and some more of those types of games, which seemed to be price pointed at bargain bin levels. Any other adventure game suggestions?