Originally posted by krazykemist
I havnt been real impressed with the Live service. I for one wont be renewing my subscription another year. I havnt played it in about 2 months. There just never were any games to join at the times I played. When I did actually join a game there were nothing but 12 year old asian kids screaming "Owned" and "shut the fuck up noob." Why pay 50 bucks for that when I can get the same experience playing CS for free.
krazykemist... I have had similar experiences, but that is what the buddy list is for. When you do find someone you enjoy playing with, ask to add them to your list. I have about 35 people on my list now, and NEVER have issues with Newbs. Well, ok, I do have issues in "public" games, but I avoid those like the plague.
It varies by game too.... Unreal, Moto, and Mech are total "tool" games, but I have found Fever, NHL2k3, and Recon to be populated by more adults. Hottest tip I can offer is spend some time working on your Friends List.
Biggest complaint I have right now is lack of Xbox Live games. However, a couple of insiders have promised me by Nov 15 2003, (which is the first date people will have to re-up co-incidentally!!!) there will be over 40 titles.. Wait and see....