Originally Posted by Nachtschleicher
ei555 I have short of the same thing you do... except they don't feel cold, and it's on my the back of my right hand, on the right side, about the size of half a credit card, but roundish. It turns red when I'm hot, and purplish when I'm cold. I've had this problem since I was in Elementry, and I still have it today (13th grade).
Anyone know about this thing? I would sure like to get rid of it, I'm embarrased about people asking me about it.
I have a "birthmark" next to my eye, very similar to what you are talking about. It only shows up when I am very cold, or when I cry. I was told that it was caused by the forceps that the doctor used during my birth; I assume there's another one somewhere under my hair. I suppose that there was damage to the blood vessels there or something.