Originally Posted by Mr.Deflok
And so, the fanboy rampage begins.
Fortunately, not yet... almost everything said so far has been very helpful. I know you've got more opinion than this... so what is it?
Originally Posted by Rdr4evr
Why isn't gamecube on your list?
Because I havent seen much support from the modding community on this system. I understand its a cool console (and a inexpesive one too), but it's just not what I'm interested in.
Originally Posted by Jesus Pimp
So it's obvious what the better value is, but if you're a gaming buff like me, get both.
I would love to have both, but unfortunately that's not financially possible at the moment. The other thing is, I haven't been a console gammer for so long now, I'm not even sure if I'll actually play the damn thing. This is more or less an experiment for me, giving consoles a chance again, and value is very importaint.
Thus far, it looks like I'm leaning toward the XBOX. It just seems like there's so much more to do with it, and while I like RPGs, I'm a bigger fan of FPS. Thanks for all the advice, keep it coming....