I have both but I have to say the Xbox. Both systems have a lot of shit games i.e. shovelware with PS2 having the most, but both systems have equal amount of good games(approximately 10-15 must owns). Depends on what kind of games you like. XBox has better versions of GTA also and will get GTA: SA next year.
Both systems have sleek controllers. Microsoft discontinued those huge controllers a while ago. Sony makes you buy expensive memory cards to save games and and multi-taps if you want more than 2 players. Xbox doesn't. The hard drive included with the Xbox is a godsend. You can save games and rip cds for custom soundtracks for games that support it. The PS2 hard drive is pretty useless. Only like 3 games use it. They could easily utilize it to save games but they don't which is really lame. Graphically Xbox is ahead. PS2 is starting to show its age.
Oh did I mention if you get your Xbox modded it opens up a new world. You can swap out the hard drive for a larger hard drive up to 200+ gigs. Back up your games onto the hard drive for faster loading. Use your Xbox as a media center to play video files and other media files. Also use it as a emulator box to play classic console and arcade games.
So it's obvious what the better value is, but if you're a gaming buff like me, get both.
Never date anyone who doesn't make your dick hard.