Thread: XBOX vs PS2
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Old 12-29-2004, 11:37 PM   #1 (permalink)
Location: nihilistic freedom

Fellow gamers,

So, I got a bunch of money for Christmas and I'm considering getting a console system. I game almost exclusively on the PC, but lately I've noticed a trend where games are being released solely, or in advance, on console systems. I've done some research and I've decided whatever I get will be "modded" and it will either be an XBOX or a PS2. The only problem is, which is "better"? To date, I have noticed the following...

PS2 Advantages:
  • Games, games, games... far more titles available than XBOX.
  • Sleek controllers, XBOX has chunky odd ones.
  • Nifty gadgets like eye-toy, DDR pads, nothing available on XBOX.

XBOX Advantages:
  • Superior graphics, games look better than PS2.
  • Built in harddrive, no messing around with memory cards.
  • XBOX Live!

Both systems have awesome "exclusive" titles like Halo 2 and GTA (for the moment), so they're pretty much tied there. Is that it? Have I considered everything? Is something I've considered not really as big of a deal as I think it is?

Everytime I start thinking about it, I decide on one, but then next second I want the other. What do you say guys? Help me out here.
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