My parents allowed me to stay at home as long as I wanted so I took advantage of the situation and save some money. Along the way, they paid for my food and didn't charge me rent. However, they refused to buy me other stuff like a car (or pay my insurance). It had nothing to do with being bad parents, exactly the opposite. They taught me how to budget my money and slowly introduced me into tracking my money and spending wisely. I am now live on my own and run my own household. I manage my money, pay my bills on time and I am not in debt, all because my parents took the time to teach me how to live instead of living for me.
Keep in mind that there may be other circumstances involved which you are not aware of. Are these other kids "good kids" like you? Do these kids need to learn some life lessons? Yes, there are some parents out there who have the kids then count the days until they can be legally forced out. Those are the kids I feel sorry for.
A little rudeness and disrespect can elevate a meaningless interaction to a battle of wills and add drama to an otherwise dull day. Calvin