Originally Posted by Catmandu
All 3 Lord Of The Rings films. I know what you're going to ask... Why did I watch 2 and 3 if I hated the first one. It's because everyone said 3 was soo good. As it turned out, 2 was a total waste of time for me. The movie pretty much started and ended at the same point, with a lot of dead freaks in between. As for 3, I would consider every one of the other Oscar nominees a better flick (I saw non-nominated "In America" last night... It was superb). I will agree that Peter Jackson definitely deserved recognition for the scale and scope of the project. Just call me Mr. Minority Opinion.
im going to have to agree with you, although i liked the 2nd one most seeing as how there was killing to make up for the boredom, but the 3rd one, i could do nothing but make fun of it the entire time it was so bad. I was thoroughly dissapointed. It should be noted that i saw these as dvd versions and watched them each 1 week apart. And i never read the books except the hobbit which was in like 6th grade. never cared to read the rest ofem