Most overrated game of all time is clearly Final Fantasy 7. As far as the FF series goes, it rates squarely in the middle, below the crafted mastery of 4/5/6 and above the utter spunk that was 8, 11, and X-2. But you can't take two steps on the internet without meeting some kid named xXSephirothXx or J-E-N-o-V-A or some such nonsense. The plot was below average and full of nonsensical holes, with no ending whatsoever. You're telling me you can fight 70 foot tall monsters, summon the king of all dragons, and survive the sun going supernova, but you can't heal a little girl of a single stab wound? Right. Add a classless system where any one character was as good as the next during combat, ten million plastic figurines, and 400 hours of chocobo breeding and what do you get?
The world's most over-rated video game.