Shes pregnant, yep if I have seen this once I have seen it a thousand times. Who is really consurned you or her?
This topic has hashed out some old memories:
I used to have this girlfriend when I was like 17 she was 15 all she wanted was to have a kid, so watch out. She would be late for like one day and all the sudden shes claiming she is pregnate. Like 3 months later shes pregnate and droped out of school. It was kind of sad because she was cute and really smart, she just had child issues. The dad was a lowlife who had no intention of fathering his child and took off to LA and is now dead. She actually got pregnant then had a miscarrage that is why we broke up because she admitted to stopping taking birth control. The last I heard of her she got married and moved to some place called Orange county.
If I had a kid back then he or she would be 7 years old by now. Wow