It is a great idea. In fact, they (I have no idea who "they" is, I just know it wold be someone with a lot of money) should start some kind of campaign that spreads awareness about these boxes. That way, jerkoff asshole drivers who go 40MPH backing out of their driveways will feel threatened. They threaten us law-abiding citizens with their idiotic driving, so why not? The main problem I see with this is an underground market for blackbox removal suddenly showing up. Unless there is already such a market? More credit card debt to the losers, I say!
Originally Posted by kutulu
civil liberties surrender
I have the civil liberty to not die at the hands of an idiot who feels he must go 95MPH in school zones to impress his airhead girlfriend. Anyone with nothing to hide (insamuch as their driving habits) should have no problem with these blackboxes.