If you end up making bruses then you should go to jail and rot because bruses mean blood that you caused which has made its way to the surface of the skin. If you do this then you are a bad parent and I hope social services catch you and you're put away FOREVAH.
I HATE hearing about child abuse. It pisses me off to no end that ppl, ESPECIALLY their own close relatives, abuse kids who are vulnerable. If I could just take my hand and wipe them all off the face of the earth then this place would be SO much better to live in cause kids won't be raised around as many crappy parents.
Parents can be so hypocritical. "Don't hit your peers. If someone is making fun of you then go tell a teacher. Hitting is bad" and then "WTF did you do? Clean this mess up and prepare for an asswupin". They try to teach their kids that hitting and violence is bad yet when they themselves get mad then they have to go and hit their own kid. Do you think a kid knows the difference between hitting and spanking? I think not. They think they are the same. You confuse them and this is when they start to get screwd up themselves and hate their parents and all mental hell breaks loose.