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Old 12-28-2004, 10:29 PM   #56 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Stompy
The thing is... she would truly be funny IF this was all a farse... satire of sorts. But she's SERIOUS.

A good comparison would be Howard Stern. I could easily picture him saying a lot of stuff she says. It's alright for him to say it because 1 - his show is, first and foremost, obscene comedy and 2 - you can easily tell when he's giving a tongue-in-cheek response or commentary on something.

See, he never painted himself to be a serious political commentator whereas Coulter wants to be taken seriously. Stern more or less says it to piss people off or get a rise out of people, Coulter does it for probably the same reasons, but with a completely different background and intention.

Another example would be the daily show.. they could easily pull of statements like that, but it's okay because they're satire - the whole purpose of their existence is to mock politicians. They never once tried to paint themselves as a serious news source.
You could replace "Coulter" with "Moore" or "Franken" and your post would be just as accurate. And as for the whole "satire" thing, it has always seemed that's just a label liberals use to avoid checking their facts. Alot of these "satirists" really want to be taken seriously in a political context, but if anyone calls them on accuracy like to claim it's just comedy. But it ignores the point that they are proseletysing (sp?) just as much as the next guy.

I remember when Jon Stewart was on Crossfire. It was a great show, and I remember during one exchange when Stewart was ripping into the host, he said something to the effect that his show doesn't need to be as tough or factual because it's a comedy. But his show is pushing an agenda, simply being a comedy shouldn't get you a free pass.

Honestly, it seems the only problem alot of the people in this thread have with Coulter is that she's on the other side, they seem blind to the faults of their own talking heads.
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