Here's the reason why at least I believe prostitution is illegal and porn is legal. Taking a closer look at prostitution in north america mainly, I can easily see why. With prostitution it is generally not a choice for any woman or man but more or less a last resort for a way to survive, to at least have some income. How ever becuase "pimps" clearly know that most prostitutes are in this situation they can easily take advantage of the persons misfortune, manipulating them with empty promises and so on especially younger prostitutes. The younger they are the easier they are to manipulate and control, so prostitution promotes under age sex, along with the use of drugs since they usually go hand in hand. Are you starting to see why prostitution is illegal now? I sure hope so.
On the other hand there is porn. I can see why porn is's usually in about 98% of the case both partners fully consent to that style of life, they actually practice safe sex and do get screened for STD's and so on. There is drug use in it due to the large amounts of money making that goes around but it's no where near the amount as in prostitution.
Government and it's place...Now for some reason you can't ignore these bastards, I have no idea but I would suspect that another reason for each legality is some % of the cut. I'm sure there is taxes that are paid from making the porno films, even if it is on the purchasing of products used the government get's some part of the prostitution the government get's what %??? That's right, diddley squat, and if they don't get a share it can't be legal.
Those are my thoughts on the subject, I hope they make sense.