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Old 12-28-2004, 08:41 PM   #1 (permalink)
Location: NC
She just perplexes me

First off, were not dateing or anything; were both 20. Were just really close friends and she's in a relationship. And I'm really not sure what forum to put this in, but I think it fits in right here.

I've been friends for the better part of 5 years, since we were both in high school. Well she flurts with me alot, and so do I, but I dont place that much on it. But the other night, she kissed me. not a peck on the cheek, it was a full blown kiss, it lasted for a long time and really felt meaninfull. I wasn't surprised that surprised about it, she told me about 3 or so hours before that she was going to do it when we were walking around town, but I thought she was jokeing with me. Lately she's been more friendly to me than normal; she knows I really dislike her current choice of men, but I dont pressure her in any part to end the relatioship or pressure her to do anything with me.

She's called me at work telling me she's moveing out, which happened about 4 times already. I've done the nice thing and offered her a place to stay for a bit, I even told her about a friend of mine who's looking for a roommate. Last Christmas she told me her feelings twords me, and to be honest, I have the same feelings about her myself. I kinda feel like i'm starting to play the boyfriend part here.Or maybe she's trying to scope out a new man. The chances are i'm looking to hard into this and its my mind playing tricks with me. I just broke up with my SO about 3 weeks ago when this started. I dont like the idea of infringing on their relationship.

I'm not sure if this makes any sense, but I guess I have way to much time on my hands waiting for work to start again and school to start back. Maybe its nothing, maybe its something.
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