December in the UK also saw fairly extensive speculation over what Sean Connery might write in his new memoirs, which are due to hit the bookstores in the autumn of 2006. This coverage was largely based upon an interview that Sir Sean gave to the UK’s ‘Hello’ magazine (no.848, 4 January), which hit British newspaper stands in late December.
It is reported that the memoirs will net the Scottish actor upwards of £1 million and will be a warts-and-all account of his tough upbringing and various aspects of his long movie career. On the challenge of writing, especially as he has never kept diaries, he commented: “It’s rather scary, but utterly exhilarating and I’m looking forward to it”.
But he also emphasised: “I know everyone’s expecting me to list all the women in my life and make torrid revelations about them. But I never will. I’ll take those secrets to the grave”. However, as a couple of newspaper reports commented, the first EON 007 star will undoubtedly have some interesting and perhaps hard-hitting things to say about his James Bond career. Connery revealed that his personal motto is: “To treat people as I would like to be treated myself”.