Michael Moore is on the right side at least. While his methods may be exploitative, what he is arguing for is basically good - or even if you disagree with him, comes from good motivations. People like Coulter, if she is real, represents all of the worst qualities and prejudices of society imo.
The reason they have gone after Moore so hard is that he attacked the gun lobby, which is very powerful and has a lot of money, and they are trying to destroy him. I have heard some people say he misquoted and misrepresented people in his documentary - and I honestly dont know enough about it to debate that: but the basic proposition that widepsread gun ownership and 10,000 gun deaths a year are somehow connected is a different proposition to stating that America should lead a crusade against Islam in response to a terrorist attack which killed a number of innocent civilians which was a fraction of the number of Iraqi civiliams killed by Allied forces since the first attack on Iraq.
Anyway, sorry to get off point. I think we all agree Coulter is either nuts, or a heel.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas