Originally Posted by Cujo
Around the end of November my Mom announced that we (as a family) would only be buying presents for the kids this year. At first this didn't bother me much because I guess I figured that someone in my family would break this decree and I'd end up with a gift or two. Well my Sister decided that she, my Brother and I should get something for my Mom and Dad so we did, and of course my Brother got them both presents anyway (stuff he got back in the summer for them). So yesterday morning there we all are. My two nieces have a shit load of presents, my Mom got 4, my Dad got 4, Sister and Brother have a few each and I have ZERO. Absolutely SQUAT!!! I've never been so pissed off in my life. Felt like shit all day and my Sister-in Law has the fucking nerve to ask me what my problem is at dinner. I just about told them all to go fuck themselves. Real fun sitting around the tree with nothing while everyone else enjoys their gifts.
That sucks.

There's no way they couldn't notice that you didn't get anything. I'd have given you one of my presents at least. What a bummer. Next year go buy yourself presents, a bottle of wine, and stay home and watch movies. Couldn't be any worse right?? I just can't believe how that would suck. Not that you're begging for gifts but when you're the only one without...UG! Sorry that happened to ya.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.