Smallville (spoilers)
Who watches Smallville?
What do you think about it?
What are some things your really like or dont like?
Its one of three shows that I try to watch every week, the other two are The Dead Zone and Monk. (They aren't in season, and Smallville season Finale is next week.)
As a superman fan I like that the actors are also fans. I like little things like Annette O'toole was Lana Lang in Superman 3, Lex Luther as a Good guy(most of the time) Chloe uses an "Alienware" computer at the school newspaper. These small things, plus the good acting and story telling make it very attractive.
The things I don't like are the things that can't possibally change. Like Clark should end up with Chloe, not lana, or lois. Lionel Luther Needs to get it out in the open and start trying to dispose of clark instead of countless accidents and whatnot they need to start doing things on purpose(ie clone clark) I hope they don't turn chloe into a badguy(girl)
What do you think about previous and upcomng episodes and the show in general?
Last edited by Reese; 05-14-2003 at 05:05 AM..