the line beween a healthy interest and an addiction isn't always clear. but here are some of the lines which would indicate crossing into the addiction territory:
- a psychological desire for it. you crave it.
- withdrawl symptoms are exhibited when you stop. your mood changes, you feel different.
- you cannot control it. for example, you plan on looking at porn for a few minutes. you find yourself still looking at it 2 hrs later.
- you've tried to stop. can't.
- it begins to have an effect on other areas of your life. personal or professional. you're late to class because you were looking up sites. you didn't finish your project because you were watching porn.
- you continue to do it, after recognizing the above, you continue to do it after acknowledging it's having a negative impact on you.
if you always worked out for 2 hours a day for your whole life and love it, but then watching porn made you stop working out, that's where the line gets pretty bold all of a sudden.