Both my hubby and myself always come away from christmas with an obscene haul of crap. My hubby's an only child, so he's always been the center of the universe for his folks, and they are surrogate family for me, and they've really taken me into the fold. That said, we always get an assload of shit that absolutely is wonderful, but that we really don't want, need or have the room for. But we are grateful that they have taken the time and effort to make sure that their gifts reflect the interests that we have, and the hobbies that we enjoy.
But... this year, I think the light FINALLY came on for my hubby. I had to tell him firmly no appliances... not just because buying me a can opener, even one I want, is a cop out, but because I like to pick out my own tools. He's never understood that I prefer one well thought out gift over several.... if he's going to buy me jewelry, for example, I'd rather he buy me one piece that really reflects my tastes than several pieces that are nice but not exactly my thing. I'd rather quality-on-the-money over quantity-pretty-close-but-not-quite. This year, he seems to have gotten the message.... I got a couple of the usual sort of gift, but he went to a clothing website and picked out a pair of pajama pants and matching socks that I absolutely adore.... they are soooooooooooooo me, and so cute and comfy.... they are the RIGHT size, they ROCK..... and I knew the light was on when he said "I could have ditched everything else, wrapped up just the pjs and you'd have been completely happy with c'mas." NOW you've got it, lover! *grins*
That said, I like a mix of need and want.... yes, I might run out and buy myself the showerhead I got for c'mas this year, but it was very sweet of him to remember that I like a rain head, coveted the new waterpik one, and get it for me. And I certainly don't need yet another John Cusack DVD, but he got it for me anyway. And for things he knows I need (like clothes), he gets a gift certificate, acknowledging that he knows I need it, but letting me choose for myself. It means he braved the mall to get me something I need, indulging the want side of it by letting me pick it myself.
For our friends to whom we only give one or two gifts each, we definitely err on the want side. I like to indulge them with gifts I know they'll love but would not buy for themselves, or I make something special for them that they can't get anywhere else.
“When facism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.”
~Sinclair Lewis
Last edited by Bryndian_Dhai; 12-27-2004 at 09:27 AM..