What makes you think I have no spirit? I thinking complaining about your gifts isnt right when there are a LOT of people in the world that dont get anything for christmas. The people that got those gifts did it with the best of intentions, I just think its kind of sad that just cause you didnt get anything to "play" with those presents are discounted.
My daughter got me and Dave a gift each.....his was a 500 piece glow in the dark dragon puzzle from big lots (2 bucks) and mine was a wooden nutcracker dressed in a KILT carrying bagpipes from walmart (3.99) and I will cherish that present until the day I die because I knew the thought behind when she bought it. Can I play with it? No I cant, can I enjoy it in the christmas spirit it was given? YES..
I would rather watch her enjoy her "santa claus" than anything else.
All Im saying is I dont think its fair for an ADULT to complain about any present they get.
/my rant over
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!