I haven't been christian or celebrated "christmas" in years. Unfortunately, my conversion did not sweep like brushfire through the rest of the family, and they all still do celebrate christmas.
I have always made gifts and in general worked very hard to make sure that the gifts our friends and family receive from us do not reflect some capitalist ideal, rather they reflect the love and care we feel for them, and their gifts are personal and special for each one of them. The kids in our circle of relatives and friends have learned to expect time from us, rather than money or expensive crap they don't need.
The key to all this is to spread the work I do for the holidays over the course of the entire year. Our friends and family know that we do not limit our generosity and sharing and love to one time of the year. The holidays, for us, are simply a time to reaffirm something they already know.
Mind you, I understand where Master Shake is coming from.... I find it very difficult to face the expectations of my own family, who all seem to believe that somehow, miraculously, I will all of a sudden, once a year, suspend my distaste and revulsion and compromise my beliefs, pretending I am not pagan or that I give a shit what new disgusting display of tasteless ostentation my stepfather has bestowed upon my mother or show anything other than resigned lack of surprise when my demon spawn nephew does something else to demonstrate how pathological and socio- or psychopathic he is becoming. I don't need yet another piece of jewelry I will never wear or a new car every year to feel validated or for proof that my husband loves me. I don't need the trappings of christianity to feel in touch with the mysticality of the universe. I don't need children to make me complete.... I've done that all by myself, kicking a drug habit, making a good life for myself, marrying a man who loves, trusts and believes in me....
I told myself that this wouldn't be a rant about my family, but I'll be damned if I don't still have a bit of resentment and irritation. It has only been two days, so I guess its just still fresh, lol.
The problems Master Shake has with christmas are fairly similar to the problems I have with christianity in general, more specifically the actions of people claiming to be christian and who seem to think that being christian will excuse even the most depraved, selfish, greedy behavior.
All I can say is that I'm glad its over... my dogs are glad its over.... my hubby's glad its over..... Now I can clean my house and get back to the normal business of living.
“When facism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.”
~Sinclair Lewis