Thread: Nintendo DS
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Old 12-26-2004, 11:09 PM   #16 (permalink)
Nintendo is for kiddies because Nintendo MARKETS to kiddies. Nintendo actively insists that their products are aimed at a "family friendly" audience. Nintendo also routinely turns down cross-platform titles with M ratings. Nintendo was offered GTA on the Gamecube, and declined. Relatively few M-rated Gamecube/GBA games exist compared to what's available on the other platforms. On the other hand, Nintendo poops out all the Dragon Ball Z, Pokemon, Pikmin, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Sonic, Mega Man, Mario, and Donkey Kong crap you can shake a stick at. Nintendo is like EA, they make their money by re-marketing a very small collection of franchises over and over again, because children will buy anything with Mario or Pikachu or Goku on it. If you disagree, you haven't been to Gamestop lately, or maybe you can't see over your pile of Dragon Ball Z: Budokai games.
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