Best Simpsons: 1st season, the camping episode. The rabbit trap is by far the best visual gag on the show ever. I can't really explain why, but I just burst into hysterics whenever I see it.
Best Astroboy: For some reason, I always think of the episode where they're on the train ride in the storm and the dam breaks and astroboy's leg jets break, so you actually see him use his arm jets (doesn't happen very often). Or maybe the episode where his sister takes the pill that splits her in two so she can go to school while still doing her pro wrestling thing, except when she's split in two, she's only 1/2 as strong, so Astro has to come save her. (it's wierd, some of my oldest memories are Astroboy episodes)
Best Seinfeld: Agreed, George the Marine Biologist, brilliant!
<Insert witty and profound statements here>